
by | Dec 20, 2018 | Photogrammetry, Software, Theater, VR, XR

We have collected a number of objects for our story about Annie Donnelly and her life before & after the massacre. After running a few tests with different photogrammetry software, I’m going to use RealityCapture. It’s a professional package and its speed and accuracy are astounding! I tried Meshroom and it is decent but slow. Also, Agisoft is interesting but a bit more expensive and limiting on an education license.

We set up in the photo studio but there is a lack of quality lights for green screen or a plain white background. Again, we tested and found that 8K images took a long time to process although the texture quality is better. Green screen seemed to be more of a hassle than was worth it with RealityCapture so we settled on shooting on white at 4K. For VR texture quality can be sacrificed because the headset resolutions are not super high and the fresnel lenses mess with the image.

Now that we have a process I will spend the next week shooting and processing. Let the fun begin!